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Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism Policing

Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism Policing

Effectively combatting terrorism today, requires the cooperation of various institutions and agencies, at every level of government. With police officers acting as the first responders after an attack, and the monitors of activity on a citywide level, the police apparatus cannot be overlooked as a primary component of today's counter-terrorism strategy.

This workshop will discuss the role of policing in counter-terrorism, from the viewpoint of practitioners from around the world. Workshop participants will share best-practices from their respective countries, will discuss key topics and challenges in counter-terrorism policing and will share personal accounts from real-life situations.


Chair: Mr. Denis Monette, Associate, ICT, IDC Herzliya; Chairman, STARCOM & Former Assistant Commissioner of Police, Nassau, New York, United States

Detective Charlie Benaim & Detective Chris Capone, Police Attaché, New York Police Department (NYPD), United States

Adv. Sharon Gal, International Vice-President, International Police Association (IPA) & Commander (Ret.) Dr. Eran Israel, Secretary General, IPA, Israel


Commander James Phipson, Chief Officer, Special Constabulary, City of London Police, United Kingdom

Commissioner Luc Van Der Taelen, Project Manager, Community Policing and the Prevention of Radicalisation (CoPPRa), Belgium

Mr. Levi West, Director of Terrorism Studies, Australian Graduate School of Policing and Security, Australia

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