Mr. Pedro das Neves
Pedro das Neves is currently the CEO of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
(www.prisonsystems.eu). He is a senior advisory consultant to UNODC the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Holding a Sociology degree, and a MA from
the College of Europe in Bruges, he has been working on public administration
reform for 20 years, and on Criminal Justice Innovation Systems (since 2002) in
different European, Central and South American countries. Pedro coordinated
implementations in Portugal, Romania, Argentina and Guatemala (Politica Nacional
Penitenciaria 2014-2024) also supporting specific projects in other countries such
as El Salvador, Moldova, Norway, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium and Turkey.
Pedro is currently involved in different projects in the field of radicalisation
prevention such as R2PRIS focusing on the prevention of radicalisation in prisons
(www.r2pris.org), PRACTICIES a project with the goal of mobilising networks of
European cities and experts to better understand the human roots of violent
radicalisation and to build concrete tools and prevention practices; and INTEGRA,
which strives to improve the transition process between prison and/or probation
systems and the community for those at risk of radicalisation or who have been radicalised (integra-project.org).
He is the chief-editor of JUSTICE TRENDS (www.justice-trends.press), a magazine on innovation and best practices in prison and probation systems launched internationally in May 2017.
Pedro was awarded with the ICPA Correctional Excellence Award 2018 in the Management and Training Category.
Pedro das Neves
CEO, IPS (Innovative Prison Systems) and Senior Advisory Consultant, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Portugal
CEO, Innovative Prison Systems (IPS), Portugal
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