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Dr. Eran Shadach

Dr. Eran Shadach was born in Israel in November 1961. Until

1996 he served in the IDF armored corps, both during his regular

and reserve service, as a platoon commander and as deputy

company commander. As of 1996 he serves as a psychologist in

the IDF "Crisis Management and Negotiation Unit', presently with

the rank of lieutenant colonel. In this capacity he specializes in

the psychology of crisis management and of negotiation.

Since 2001 he is a staff member in the "Program for Training

Group Leaders" at the School of Social Work, Tel-Aviv University. In 2002 he was appointed as lecturer in the School of Behavioral

Sciences in the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo. In addition to

his teaching and research he fulfilled several administrative

duties. Amongst others, he served several turns as Acting Head of

the area of Clinical Psychology and as Acting Dean of the


As of 2006 he was recognized as a senior clinical psychologist

and a clinical supervisor by the Ministry of Health. He subsequently was appointed as the Chief Professional Manager at the 'Reut Institute of Psychotherapy' in Tel-Aviv.

He performed research and published papers on topics related to psychopharmacology. His current focus of research is on the psychology of stress and anxiety in academic, in medical, and in conflict situations.

Eran Shadach

Research Fellow, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel

Research Fellow, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel

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