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Superintendent Gal Sharon

Married with 3 children. Superintendent (Ret.) and was prosecutor in Tel Aviv

district, Israel police. She is retired after 33 years in the police. Now she is a

lawyer and international vice president and vice president in IPA Israel.


Gal Sharon is a model member of the Israeli NEC, with a unique police history.

She started her police service as a detective and investigator at the Special

Investigations Unit. She fulfilled numerous roles in the field of Community Oriented

Policing Services, the Public Council for Delinquency Reduction, fitness training,

Central Recruitment Bureau, publishing and marketing, the unit for the improvement

of the service, head of the Public Affairs unit and now she specializes in the practice

of law and as a police prosecutor in the Tel Aviv.

Gal brought a new tide to IPA Israel section. She is the most popular NEC member

in Israel. During the four last election campaigns she received the largest number of

votes. It must be remembered that in Israel, all the 23,400 members of the organization participate in the elections for the IPA presidency. Her popularity springs from the many initiatives, mostly in bringing IPA in close touch with each member nationally and internationally. The way she succeeded to connect the entire Israeli Police, including the retired policemen to all activities. She was elected to the international presidency, as a vice president in 2009 and next year she will fulfil 10 years in the IEB (The international executive board).

Gal has a first and second academic degree in sports and education and completed her law studies. She is a retired police officers and a lawyer.

In the last nine years as chairperson of ISC and the SCC Gal acted according to the main goal, to create cooperation with all sections dealing with the appointment of a liaison officers in fields of sports, emergency aid, IPA houses, travel and social activities, hosting, hobbies and more.

Gal initiatives are touching each IPA member in the World, by the international hosting book, the first IPA games, recruiting young police officers to IPA, International social events, websites, social media, heritage, International photo and video competitions and more.

Gal Sharon

International Vice President, International Police Association (IPA), Israel

International Vice President, International Police Association (IPA), Israel

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