Special Focus on the Israeli Election - Hamas & Israel: The Unbreakable Tit for Tat?
With Israeli elections on the horizon, the safety of the residents of southern Israel becomes a prominent discussion point. Each political party suggests it knows how to bring the elusive quiet to the south and stop the incessant terror activity emanating from the Gaza strip, be it rockets, tunnels or the launching of incendiary kites and balloons.
In March 2019, Hamas fired two rockets towards Tel Aviv, escalating tensions between the two sides of the conflict. In the first week of May, Hamas fired 600 rockets towards Israel, with Egypt mediating and avoiding a full-scale military confrontation. Sporadic rocket fire has continued since; and, the provocation caused by the incendiary devices launched from the Gaza Strip brings about a retaliation each time. This plenary session will discuss whether the next Israeli government will be able to break this "Tit for Tat" scenario.

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