Special Focus on The Israeli Election - The Future War in the North: Not "If", But "When"?
For the second time in 6-months, Israel is heading to the polls. As with all elections in Israel, security is a paramount issue and concern to the voter. With the Syrian war winding down, Israel's enemies to the north are once again fixing their sights onto the country. Israel has admitted to many operations on its northern border to prevent Iranian entrenchment and to block the delivery of sophisticated weaponry to Hezbollah.
In November of this past year, Israel began and completed operation Northern Shield to expose and neutralize Hezbollah cross boarder attack tunnels. The terrorist organization maintains thousands of rockets and battle-hardened fighters; and, with the help of Iran, pose a serious threat to Israel. It has been over a decade since the second Lebanon war and with the threats looming larger, a war in the north is not an "if" but a "when". This plenary session will explore what could trigger a war in the north, what would be the dynamics of this war and how the situation can be diffused.

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