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Dr. Robert McCreight

Dr. McCreight spent 35 years at the State Department and various

federal agencies  retiring  in 2004 and subsequently served as a

consultant for major homeland security and national defense

contractors.  His professional career includes work as an

intelligence analyst, treaty negotiator, arms control delegate to the

UN, counter-terrorism advisor,  political-military affairs analyst and

Deputy Director of Global Scientific Exchanges..  At State he was

a senior Soviet military analyst with INR specializing in the

assessment of Soviet nuclear rocket forces as well as chemical and

biological weapons programs.  He participated in the design of

remote collection, satellite surveillance and treaty verification

systems. He also worked on projects  involving the coordination

international post-disaster relief and  humanitarian operations, 

including peacekeeping policy and operations in Somalia and

Bosnia.He also led crisis management simulations and seminars

for embassy security programs and spent time supporting counter-propaganda and active measures programs during the Cold War.  His expertise includes work on negotiations support for the CWC and BWC treaties and scientific collaboration on biodefense issues.


He was involved in the design and coordination of White House nuclear readiness command crisis exercises during the Reagan administration possessing extensive experience in geopolitical wargame design and strategic simulations as well for the Defense Department.   During his federal career he contributed to and coordinated  a number of cabinet level strategic nuclear preparedness exercises, worked on Presidential Protection and Survivability Programs and  directed the operation of several dozen senior-level military exercises involving theoretical force-on-force scenarios between the United States and the Soviet Union.


 He spent 27 years of combined active and reserve military service concurrently with his civilian work in U.S. Army Special Operations  devoting 14 years to teaching graduate school as an adjunct at several universities such as Georgetown, Virginia Tech, Penn State, George Mason, George Washington and the University of Nevada Las Vegas on subjects as diverse as disaster and emergency management, strategic intelligence, nonproliferation policy, homeland security policies, terrorism analysis, intelligence analysis and assessing WMD threats.  He did further graduate studies at MIT in international security and has written various books and scholarly articles on emergency exercise design, homeland defense and neursoscience issues in national security. He was a senior Infrastructure Fellow at George Mason University also serving on their Strategic Games Advisory Board and works periodically as a consultant with National Defense University and local  law enforcement on protecting critical infrastructure, CBRN protection, crisis management issues as well as business continuity operations.  He is currently working with a NATO study group on human performance enhancement issues and policies.

Robert McCreight

Adjunct Professor, George Mason University; Consultant, National Defense University, United States

Adjunct Professor, George Mason University; Consultant, National Defense University, United States

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