Current Security Challenges to Jewish Communities
Terrorism is a threat that all communities face around the globe. The threat comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, be it from right or left wing extremists, jihadists groups, and or lone actors. In the past year we have witnessed multiple attacks against different minority groups perpetrated by different types of terrorists, be it the Sri Lanka Easter attacks at churches and the Christchurch New Zealand attack against Muslims. The Jewish community has also experienced its fair share of attacks. We witnessed the deadliest attack against the Jewish community in the United States history, which occurred at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Brussels Jewish museum shooting attack, and the Hypercacher Kosher supermarket siege in Paris. The target package that terrorists work from is long and extensive from schools, hospitals to community centers.
Jewish communities and institutions will always be associated with Israel and so the Jewish communities around the globe face an added threat. This workshop will highlight the latest security challenges facing Jewish communities around the globe and how, as communities, they can mitigate the risks.
The session is organized in cooperation with the World Jewish Congress (WJC)

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